How did we do?Client Feedback / Complaint Policy
All clients have the right to complain about the services they receive through Regional Alliance West without fear of retribution. It is the responsibility of all staff members to inform clients of their right to provide feedback of any nature at any time in a private and appropriate manner. The centre’s philosophy on this matter is that “Feedback is an opportunity to improve services to the client group”, and this intent should be reinforced by management with all staff on an ongoing basis in order to develop client focused organisational culture.
Strategies to assist clients with varying needs in providing feedback should be implemented. All complaints will be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner.
The Managers should take steps to ensure that the client has no reservations in regard to accessing the services after a complaint has been lodged.
The client may use an advocate at any stage of the complaint process. The advocate can negotiate on behalf of the client or act in a supporting role. A family member, friend, community agency or a specialist advocacy service may be used in this role (client advocates policy for more info).
All complaints are to be recorded in the Complaints Register. This is located in the Corporate Managers office.
Any person affected by a complaint should be fully informed of all the details regarding its nature. They should be given the opportunity to put their case.
Particular note should be made of the client confidentiality policy during this process. Only those directly concerned with the resolution of the complaint should be privy to the information regarding its nature.
The client’s permission should be obtained prior to sharing information with other parties in order to satisfactorily resolve the complaint.
Clients are encouraged to raise their complaint with the staff member or volunteer concerned in the first instance.
If a complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, or the client is not confident to discuss the issue with the staff member or volunteer concerned, or the complaint is of a more significant nature, it may be presented to a Manager.
If the issue is still not resolved satisfactorily, the client may raise the matter with the other Manager.
If the compliant is still not resolved the client can ask for a Board member to contact them or their complaint be taken to the Board meeting.
If the complaint is still not resolved the client may lodge a complaint with the funding body concerned or alternatively seek advice from another complaint handling source regarding it.
Recommendations identified within the complaint or feedback process that will lead to tangible improvements in service delivery should be implemented, and the client/ clients notified of this action. Implementation can occur in case meetings or any other forum where discussion of service is included.
The managers are responsible for ensuring the service is continually improved for the benefit of the target group.